The Agrippa said to Paul, "You almost persuade me to become a Christian." -Acts 26:28
Paul had a miraculous opportunity to share the faith before King Agrippa. It was an opportunity that was orchestrated by God. God used the persecution of Paul by the Jewish leaders to bring Paul to this point. I enjoy how clearly Paul explains his own conversion in this chapter of Acts. King Agrippa patiently listened to Paul expound from the very beginning his own persecution of the church, his miraculous conversion, and his ministry to the Gentiles.
But Agrippa could not bring himself to commit his life to Christ. He said to Paul, "You almost persuade me to become a Christian. We don't know if Agrippa ever put his trust in Christ. I certainly hope that he did, but I am saddened that he couldn't quite make the choice. Someday Agrippa will stand before God to give account for his life. How sad it would be to have to say to God, "I almost became a Christian."
If you have not become a Christian, put your trust in Christ. Turn from your sins and trust Christ for salvation. Don't be like Agrippa. Don't let almost get in the way. Give yourself fully to Christ.