Wednesday, August 14, 2013

McKeen Baby Update

On Monday, Alicia and I went to Portland for a test to determine if there were any genetic reasons as to why the baby is having the problems that are present. The full test results take about ten days to come in, but we were told that we should get a call either Wednesday or Thursday with some preliminary results.

Today we got a call from the genetic counselor. We were told that the baby has trisomy 18 syndrome. That means that the 18th chromosome has developmental problems. This is very difficult news. Only a very small very percentage of babies that have this problem are born alive. Of those that are born alive, less than ten percent will make it past their first birthday. Most babies with this syndrome will have severe developmental defects.

Please lift up our baby to the Lord with us. Our God is able to do anything (Job 42:2). Our hearts are begging the Lord to move His healing hand. Pray for strength for Alicia and I as we work through all this. We have never felt so helpless. The baby is so close to us, yet we can do nothing. The Lord is certainly teaching us to lean on Him through this. God’s will is perfect and His sovereign hand is working.

Thank you to all who have been praying. You have been a tremendous support to us.


  1. I love you brother and am sorry for what you're going through. I will continue praying that God will grant miraculous physical healing for the child and miraculous peace as you wait on Him and accept what comes from His hand.

  2. Oh Mark! I just want to hug you both. Scott and i will certainly continue to pray. God is truly faithful.

  3. So sorry to hear this news. We love you all. You are right. God can do anything. But whatever He chooses, it is His will and forHis purpose and glory.

  4. There are no words that we can say, Mark and Alicia ... only prayers to the almighty God who has you all in HIS hands!!

  5. Mark, I was so hoping that the news would be a false diagnosis but it seems more and more clear that it is not. Therefore, my prayer is changing to ask God for a miracle for you and Alicia and your baby to be healthy. I'm also praying for God's grace to cover you and comfort you during this difficult time. Let Him carry you. It's okay to not have enough strength on your own.

  6. Since I have heard you are on my mind in my early morning prayers, and throughout the day. Prayer is the best thing we can do. You are not alone in your praying, and lamenting over the future of this child. You are also not alone in the many people that have had no answer and no control over something you already love but have never seen. Remember there are many around you that may not have gone through the same exact thing, but something not unlike this. We'll all hold you up in prayer and in love. Tell Alicia that I am thinking of her, it's hard to have that little one so close to your heart. See you soon.

  7. heard through NBBI about your darling baby... will be praying without ceasing

  8. We pray that the peace that passes understanding would enfold your family.
