Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The Commands of Christ - Matthew 4:19

"Then He said to them, "Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men."" - Matthew 4:19

Who is this command to?

This command is given to Simon Peter and Andrew, his brother.

What does this command require?

Follow Jesus

What truths do we learn from this command?

Following Christ will result in a changed life. Simon and Andrew were fishermen. Their life consisted of casting nets and hauling them in again, hopefully filled with fish. When they forsook all of that life to follow Christ, they would never be the same. Jesus followed through on His promise to make them fishers of men. In fact, every time we read about Andrew in the gospels, we see him bringing someone to Jesus. And Peter became that great man of God who preached on Pentecost and saw thousands come to Christ.

We also learn that to be a disciple of Christ you must follow Him. That sounds simplistic and shallow, but it is surprising how many people that claim to be Christ's disciples actually don't follow Him. To be a disciple, you must be around Jesus. You must listen closely to what He says. You must do the things that he tells you. You must strive to be like Him.

What are the consequences of disobeying this command?

No heart-change. No life-change. Life without Jesus. No reward.

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