Monday, August 15, 2011

Last Day

Well, it's my last day in Ecuador. I'm leaving tonight. It has been a very diverse summer, full of firsts for me, though I've lived here many years. The Lord blessed me with more opportunities that I expected.

I have been taught many things, learned many lessons, and grown spiritually through all of the experiences here. God allowed me to teach children, young people, and adults, on various occasions. I can tell you honestly that there is absolutely nothing better than sharing the Word of God with others. It is what I truly enjoy doing, and I can't imagine doing anything else. I love the Lord with all my heart, and my life is His to do what He wants with it.

The time has come for me to return to North America, where soon I will return to New Brunswick Bible Institute to begin my senior year. This school year I know will be full of opportunities for me to be involved in the Lord's work there. This year I will be an RA, and I very much am looking forward to being a leader among others.

I ask for your prayers as I continue my training. Please pray that I will remain humble, submitted to the Lord's will, and that I will follow where He directs. I am going to continue my studies into the 4th year once I graduate, but I have no clue where I'll be doing that. Thank you for your prayers, and thank you for supporting me during this summer. I am sure the Lord used your prayers to accomplish His work. These three months have truly been a blessing to me, and to many others. May God bless you all, and may you ever be drawing closer to Him.

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